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Tips for Improving Your Writing Style

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

7 Simple Tips for Improving Your Writing Style

Written by: Kyle Reid, Communication Specialist Writing can be a challenge for most people who want to start a blog series for their website, so practice these seven (7) simple tips to improve your writing skills. One crucial step is to learn how to be straightforward and transparent is key to developing your style and keeping it professional and creative. Follow these seven (7) writing tips for creating your writing style for your business blog:

  1. Be straightforward in your article. The writing should be fresh with concise and clear words. Using filler words is unnecessary; adverbs and prepositional phrases take up space dragging the sentences on. So be specific to your title and explain your information clearly.

  2. Select your keywords carefully. There are many approaches to writing a sentence; the more detailed the keywords, the easier it is to comprehend. English is full of pompous words that you don't need in a sentence, and most people scan content. Create a keyword list to help you target the proper phrasing if you're stuck in your writing.

  3. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. Wordiness destroys writing; brief sentences are easy to read. Paragraphs are the same way; a block of text is not appealing. A paragraph group between 100 and 200 words; this format is easy to read. Unless it is academic writing or more extended style writing, keep your blogs short to a minimum of 500 words.

  4. Passive voice kills the present. Something I still struggle with is passive voice skill writing. Several books that we read are in this format style. Even though grammatically, passive voice is the right choice, but it creates unnecessary filler words. Creating a writing style with a character in an active voice is more engaging and catches the reader's attention.

  5. Edit yourself. First drafts might look good, so take a break, proofread the writing repeatedly, and find other mistakes. Outline everything you want to accomplish with the script. Ask and receive blunt constructive from a friend for feedback or changes.

  6. Use your natural tone. Just like the sound of your voice, your writing style is just as unique. Write it as you will say it. Before you jump in, read material similar to what you want to write, find the flaws that others point out, and avoid them in your writing, but remember how and what you write should reflect your taste.

  7. Understanding is key. Leonardo da Vinci said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." A picture is worth a thousand words, but a single sentence can create a novel. We don't find the best stories or blog articles in thousands of words; we perceive them in the few words it takes to tell them.

Take time to read and write out your outline before you start your next blog or article. Use these seven (7) simple tips to improve your writing skills to continue to build your business blog or articles for your website. Designedbycarla

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